Friday, September 23, 2011

Fall changes

This fall has been extremely crazy here at my house.

Noah went to his first day of "real" school. Man, I would never had thought that letting my 12 year old go to school would be so hard.. for mom, that is.

Adding school has set all of our lives into transition. Noah has handled it really well. I was not prepared for how school would so dramatically change our lives here at home. Our days have really changed. We are trying to learn a new dance without one of our members. School at home with Lily is a lot shorter but trying to get things accomplished with a two year old has come with new challenges so most days school is accomplished during nap time. Noah does most of his homework during a study period but we are trying to figure out when to accomplish the remaining homework and get dinner made so that he can go to soccer practice. I know many families are much busier but I was keeping our lives simple on purpose and school has changed many of the aspects that I can control. Gotta love transitions.

Praying for guidance on what to rearrange so this transition can turn into the "happy" norm.

Hello New Blog

I have not been blogging for over a year, so I thought a fresh start was in order.

I am really needing a place to be honest, share what is on my heart.

I really don't want to use this as an arena to whine and complain but more as a tool I can use to bring my life into perspective.

So this blog is not for you, it is for me but you are welcome to come along.

It will hopefully be different than it was before.

So here we go.